"; } function to_page($jump,$adr,$mode) { if($mode=="SP") echo ""; else echo ""; } // Show error messages function msg_error_shooting($num,$mode) { // Error messages list $errlists = array( "0" => "ご氏名を入力ください。
Please enter your name.", "1" => "ご連絡先電話番号を入力ください。
Please enter your telephone number.", "2" => "電話番号は、数値(半角)のみで入力ください。
Please enter by numeric for telephone number.", "3" => "ご連絡先メールアドレスを入力ください。
Please enter your mail address.", "4" => "不正なメールアドレスが入力されています。
Illegal style of mail address is detected.
Please enter your mail address as a style xxx@xxx.xxx .", "5" => "ご希望のコースを選択ください。
Please choose the course you'd like to participate.", "6" => "ご予約の人数を指定ください。
Please choose number of reservation.", "7" => "ご予定の日時を指定ください。
Please choose date of reservation.", "8" => "全角カタカナで入力願います。
Please enter your name by full-size katakana.", "9" => "ご利用経験について選択ください。
Please choose your status regarding EVER RESORT." ); echo "
"; echo "

"; back_to_page(); echo "
"; if($mode=="1") exit; } function time_diff($time_from, $time_to) { $dif = $time_to - $time_from; $dif_days = (strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $dif)) - strtotime("1970-01-01")) / 86400; return $dif_days; } $submit_normal_message = "\nお客様の送信内容を受信いたしました。
ありがとうございました。"; $submit_error_message = "申し訳ございません。お客様の入力情報の送信が失敗しました。
Failed to send mail. Please return to the form by the below \"back\" button and resend it."; function mobile_redirect($path) { $docomo = $path; // DoCoMo $au = $path; // au $sb = $path; // SoftBank $willcom = $path; // Willcom $an = $path; // Android $ip = "./"; // iPhone/iPAD $mobile = $path; // others $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // DoCoMo if (preg_match('/^DoCoMo/', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $docomo; // au } elseif (preg_match('/^KDDI-|^UP\.Browser/',$ua)) { $mobileredirect = $au; // SoftBank } elseif (preg_match('#^J-(PHONE|EMULATOR)/|^(Vodafone/|MOT(EMULATOR)?-[CV]|SoftBank/|[VS]emulator/)#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $sb; // Willcom } elseif (preg_match('/(DDIPOCKET|WILLCOM);/', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $willcom; // e-mobile } elseif (preg_match('#^(emobile|Huawei|IAC)/#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $em; // Android //} elseif (preg_match('#\b(iP(hone|od);|Android )|dream|blackberry9500|blackberry9530|blackberry9520|blackberry9550|blackberry9800|CUPCAKE|webOS|incognito|webmate#', $ua)) { } elseif (preg_match('#\b(Android )|dream|blackberry9500|blackberry9530|blackberry9520|blackberry9550|blackberry9800|CUPCAKE|webOS|incognito|webmate#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $an; //iPhone/iPAD } elseif (preg_match('#\b(iP(hone|od))#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $ip; // others } elseif (preg_match('#(^Nokia\w+|^BlackBerry[0-9a-z]+/|^SAMSUNG\b|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|PalmOS\b|Windows CE\b)#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $mobile; // PC } else { $mobileredirect = false; } return $mobileredirect; } function mobile_check($path) { $docomo = $path; // DoCoMo $au = $path; // au $sb = $path; // SoftBank $willcom = $path; // Willcom $an = $path; // Android $mobile = $path; // others $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // DoCoMo if (preg_match('/^DoCoMo/', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $docomo; // au } elseif (preg_match('/^KDDI-|^UP\.Browser/',$ua)) { $mobileredirect = $au; // SoftBank } elseif (preg_match('#^J-(PHONE|EMULATOR)/|^(Vodafone/|MOT(EMULATOR)?-[CV]|SoftBank/|[VS]emulator/)#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $sb; // Willcom } elseif (preg_match('/(DDIPOCKET|WILLCOM);/', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $willcom; // e-mobile } elseif (preg_match('#^(emobile|Huawei|IAC)/#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $em; // Android iPhone iPod } elseif (preg_match('#\b(iP(hone|od);|Android )|dream|blackberry9500|blackberry9530|blackberry9520|blackberry9550|blackberry9800|CUPCAKE|webOS|incognito|webmate#', $ua)) { //} elseif (preg_match('#\b(Android )|dream|blackberry9500|blackberry9530|blackberry9520|blackberry9550|blackberry9800|CUPCAKE|webOS|incognito|webmate#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $an; // others } elseif (preg_match('#(^Nokia\w+|^BlackBerry[0-9a-z]+/|^SAMSUNG\b|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|PalmOS\b|Windows CE\b)#', $ua)) { $mobileredirect = $mobile; // PC, Tablet } else { $mobileredirect = false; } return $mobileredirect; } function is_ipad() { $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(preg_match('#\b(iPad)#', $ua) || preg_match('#\b(Safari)#', $ua)) return true; else return false; } function dec_agent($agent) { if(preg_match('#(^Android)#',$agent)) return ("SP:Android"); else if(preg_match('#(^roid)#',$agent)) return ("SP:Android"); else if(preg_match('#(^Linux;)#',$agent)) return ("SP:Android"); else if(preg_match('#(^B;W24H16)#',$agent)) return ("SP:Android"); else if(preg_match('#(^;W16H10)#',$agent)) return ("SP:Android"); else if(preg_match('#(^U iPhone)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPhone"); else if(preg_match('#(^iPhone;)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPhone"); else if(preg_match('#(CPU iPhone)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPhone"); else if(preg_match('#(^PU iPhone)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPhone"); else if(preg_match('#(^Windows)#',$agent)) return ("PC:Windows"); else if(preg_match('#(^compatible;)#',$agent)) return ("PC:Windows"); else if(preg_match('#(^indows)#',$agent)) return ("PC:Windows"); else if(preg_match('#(^iPad)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPad"); else if(preg_match('#(^iPod)#',$agent)) return ("SP:iPod"); else if(preg_match('#(^Macintosh;)#',$agent)) return ("PC:Mac-OS"); else if(preg_match('#(^X11;)#',$agent)) return ("SV:Linux"); else if(preg_match('#(^.1;)#',$agent)) return ("SV:Linux"); else return ("n/a"); } function dec_page($bname) { switch($bname) { case "www.everresort.jp" : return ("index.php"); case "www.google.co.jp" : return ("index.php"); case "everresort.jp" : return ("index.php"); case "index.html" : return ("ct/index.html"); case "contents" : return ("ct/index.html"); case "sp" : return ("sp/index.php"); case "" : return ("N/A(count.php)"); default : return $bname; } } function split_latter($arg,$delimiter) { $rst=""; $m=0; for($i=0;$i $val) { $val_split[] = explode(",",$val); $vals[] .= count($val_split); } return max($vals); } function countdown_timer($omonth,$oday,$ohour,$ominute) { $cmonth = date("n"); $cday = date("j"); $chour = date("G"); $cminute = date("i"); $nowDays = ($cmonth*31*24*60)+($cday*24*60)+($chour*60)+($cminute*1); $openDays = ($omonth*31*24*60)+($oday*24*60)+($ohour*60)+($ominute*1); $countdownDays = $openDays - $nowDays; return $countdownDays; } function access_check($page,$client) { $myadr=0; $remoteAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // get IP address $remoteHost = split_latter(gethostbyaddr($remoteAddr),"."); // get Host name for($i=0; $i"; $content .= "Use Browser : ".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."\n"; $content .= "Please see http://everresort.jp/php/axes/axesview.php in detail.\n"; mb_send_mail($admin_mailto,$subject,$content,$mailfrom); } } ?>